segunda-feira, 6 de setembro de 2010


you got them? all you need is a good scare.
you can scare off hiccups, just like left-handedness. you are not born left-handed, it's a choice, and also the work of the devil. left-handed people should not be aloud to write. it's called writing not lefting! and writing is a right, not a left. writing is the right of right-handers, am i left?.. i mean, am i right?

5 comentários:

  1. starting with hiccups, ending with left and right-handers. strange!

  2. we are dealing with someone who have no life at all , he is called Lima

  3. who has no life you mean oh monhé, vê lá se escreves com a mão certa pa não cometeres tais erros

  4. "pat disse...

    starting with hiccups, ending with left and right-handers. strange! "

